February 15th – Arena Eventing

Event Date:

February 15, 2025

Event Location:

Moores Farm Equestrian Centre

Start time 10:00am Approximately

Class 1 60cm Entry fee £15.00

Class 2 70cm Entry Fee £15.00

Class 3 80cm Entry Fee £15.00

Class 4 90cm Entry Fee £15.00

Class 5 1m Entry Fee £15.00

Pre Entries close at 8pm Thursday Before. If we have spaces, Late entries will open up again until Friday 1pm

Mix of minimum 6 show jumps and 6 simulated x country type fences run on a surface with an optimum time.

Rosette’s 1st-6th Place.

Prize money ratio 1st £12.00 over 6 starters, 2nd £8.00 over 12 starters, 3rd £4.00 over 18 starters.

Prizes can be collected from the collecting ring hut after the class has finished, please allow 5mins for the results to reach the hut.


Not sure if you want to more than 1 class, that’s not a problem you can enter additional classes on the day but please pop a note in the comments section you may want to do this so we can leave additional time. Only available to pre entered combinations. Cash only on the day!

Late Entries may be taken if space allows by email & Dm on facebook, payment by bacs. Please do not send payment until you have received confirmation your entries.

Drawn orders with class start times will be on the website the day before after 10am


Once entries have closed, we will not be able to refund & we will only transfer entries if we/you can find someone else to take your entries. Entries before the closing date will be transferred to another unaffilated event.

All classes will be drawn order

Show dress code s/j competition wear or x country attire

Correct footwear & riding hats must be worn whilst mounted. No fixed peaks.

No outside assistance will be tolerated & may incur elimination of the rider.

Please respect other competitors & centre staff.

No schooling whips to be used in the ring.

Spurs must be worn in the downward position

Practice fences to be jumped with the red wing on the right.

Please do not leave your horse tied up to the side of you horse’s boxes & please do not allow them to dig up the car park.

All horse must have up to date annual vaccinations. Spot checks may be in operation so don’t forget your passport!

All horses must be aged 4yrs & over to compete

Stallions MUST wear stallion disks & stallion ribbons & must be on a lead rope with a bridle when not mounted.

Only those that are entered & competing can use the facilities on a show day.

On entering & leaving the facilities please make sure that the gates are closed behind you.

We have a no dog policy here at the centre but if you do have to bring your dog they MUST stay with your Vehicle.

Café will be open selling Hot/Cold food & drinks to eat in or take away.

Enter Now:

Class Entries Per Entry Price
Class 1
15 Left:
Class 2
15 Left:
Class 3
14 Left:
Class 4
17 Left:
Class 5
19 Left:
Entry: Total

Event Schedule Details

  • February 15, 2025 9:00 am   -   9:00 am
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