March 1st – Unaffilated showjumping

Event Date:

March 1, 2025

Event Location:

Moores Farm Equestrian Centre

Unaffiliated showjumping

Will be held in the outdoor arena.

 March 1st, April 6th

Café will be open, eat in or takeaway.

9:30am-9:50am approx may be earlier. clear round 55cm £10.00 per round (Drawn order)

Start time 10:00am approx.

Class 1 55/60cm Entry fee £13.50

Class 2 60/65cm Entry Fee £13.50

Class 3 70/75cm Entry Fee £13.50

Class 4 80/85cm Entry fee £13.50

Class 5 90/95cm Entry Fee £13.50

Class 6 1m/1.05m Entry Fee £13.50

Class 7 1.10/1.15m Entry Fee £13.50

Rosette’s 1st-6th Place.

Prize money ratio over 6 starters 1st £12.00 over 12 starters 2nd £8.00 over 18 starters 3rd  £4.00

Prizes can be collected from the collecting ring hut after the class has finished, please allow 5mins for the results to reach the hut.

📍Online Entries close the Thursday before at 9pm

📍Late Entries may be taken if space allows, online entries will reopen for late entries until midday on the Friday .

📍Drawn orders with class start times will be on the website the day before after 10am

All classes are run single phase & run under British showjumping & or BS club rules.

You can now also enter via the web site. Once entries have closed, we will not be able to refund & we will only transfer entries if we/you can find someone else to take your entries. Entries before the closing date will be transferred to another showjumping event or can be refunded less bank charges.

📍All classes will be drawn order

📍Show dress code correct smart competition wear (jackets etc) to be worn.

📍Correct footwear & riding hats must be worn whilst mounted.

📍No outside assistance will be tolerated & may incur elimination of the rider.

📍Please respect other competitors & centre staff.

📍No schooling whips to be used in the ring.

📍Spurs must be worn in the downward position

📍Practice fences to be jumped with the red wing on the right.

📍Please do not leave your horse tied up to the side of you horse’s boxes & please do not allow them to dig up the car park.

📍All horse must have up to date annual vaccinations. Spot checks may be in operation so don’t forget your passport!

📍All horses must be aged 4yrs & over to compete

📍Stallions MUST wear stallion disks & stallion ribbons & must be on a lead rope with a bridle when not mounted.

📍Only those that are entered & competing can use the facilities on a show day.

📍We have a no dog policy here at the centre but if you do have to bring your dog they MUST stay with your Vehicle.



Enter Now:

Class Entries Per Entry Price
Class 0

Clear round

5 Left:
Class 1


25 Left:
Class 2


25 Left:
Class 3


25 Left:
Class 4


25 Left:
Class 5


25 Left:
Class 6


25 Left:
Class 7


25 Left:
Entry: Total

Event Schedule Details

  • March 1, 2025 9:30 am   -   4:30 pm
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